Actuated Valves

Closed Loop Breathing for Actuators

A closed loop breathing installation prevents the surrounding atmosphere from entering the actuator and potentially causing failure or performance degradation.

Instrument air quality used for pneumatic actuators is controlled for dew point, particle size, lubricant content and contaminants. However in some actuator configurations, air is drawn in from the atmosphere. If the environment is corrosive, saline or contaminated, this can cause damage to internal components leading to failure.

A closed loop breathing installation can be fitted to prevent this occuring. It consists of tubing and fittings to enable only clean instrument air to be used inside the actuator.

Rotork has more information available here:

Rotork Close Loop Breathing FAQ


All things actuated valves: actuators, solenoids, limit switches, accessories, tubing, fittings, etc.

Actuated Valve Topics

  1. Actuator Closed Loop Breathing

I&C Topics

  1. Actuated Valves